A whole new linkshell and a whole new out look on endgame rules.
Please read the following and post any questions in regards to “said rules”.
Random: All pop sets will be treated in similar regards as BCNMS, groups with pop sets will random in the beginning to determine first pop. After the defeat of said boss a new /random will take place to determine next up to pop NM
Pop Items: the provider of the pop set will be allowed to pick any 1 item. This including any craft able materials, Rare/EX gear or even rare items such as god seals. People who plan to use pop sets as a group please see below.
Remaining Rare/Ex gear: Sackholders will decide who will be able to lot equip-able gear. This will be based on attendance, usefulness to job, how often you are on said job, etc.
Special items: Special items such as “God Seals” that haven’t be claimed any person. Will be collected as a linkshell set, this set will provide a Kirin for the linkshell as whole. Please note that Kirin Linkshell sets will be treated in a different manner see below for more information.
******** Groups: If planning on farming/popping as a group, please designate a group speaker to inform the event leader of which 1 item you choose. Note if you are unable to work as a group then we will disband from group pops, however I don't believe this will be a issue.
In situations that arise with a particular member. Member A not wanting to lot on the said one item. Member A will be allowed to participate in free lot item pool, while other members can not.
******** Linkshell Kirin: Members will still be allowed to provide their own pop sets and /random for a turn after the completion of “LS Kirins” LS Kirins provide a fair and equal chance for all LS members. Please do not see this as a chance for favoritism and personal gain.
Please note this will be a great system if done accordingly. This system has been implemented by views on many different out looks on very unfair and monopolized endgame systems. Our goal is a hard one; to provide a fair system of opportunity for all players of all schedules, this isn’t a task that could be taken on by any group of people. Yet alas I believe we have one thing over any typical linkshell. We are friends first and Linkshell members second. I have high hopes that we won’t be corrupted by the fabric of greed and we will create an experience worthy of note in the endgame system.